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WAFER system

My Project

  • Gianina Nawla Malaeka
  • Arina Hilya El-Husna
  • Namira Salsabila
  • Nayla Putri Az Zahra
  • Noura Latisha Yasmine

What Problem do you want to solve?

The problem we want to solve, is the sad condition
of some forests that have started to dry up, this is
due to climate change and globalization. while in
the forest there aremany ecosystems that must be
maintained and also dry forests can cause forest

Why is this problem important?

This problem is very important because if the
existing drought event is allowed to continue, then
the ecosystem in the forest will be damaged and the
survival of the living things that live in the forest will
be tormented and we also want to anticipate the
problem of extreme climate change in Indonesia,
especially its forests.

What is your invention?

We created a project called the WAFER System

How will it help?

with this product we hope we can minimize the
problem of forest drought that occurs and also we
hope that the ecosystem in the forest will not be
disturbed and the life of living things in the forest
will not tormented if the forest is dry.

How will you present your project?

Protoype and miniature




Jl. Terusan Piranha Atas —
No. 135, Kota Malang
Jawa Timur

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+62341 400995


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