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Sandhaya Bernusantara

Cendrawasih is a bird that has beauty and uniqueness in the shape and color of its feathers. In this work of art, the artist uses
wire to shape the body, wings and tail of a bird of paradise with precise detail. Afterwards, the artwork is displayed in a frame
to showcase its beauty and appreciate the artist’s skill.
This product can be associated with works of art in Indonesia because Indonesia has a rich and varied arts and crafts tradition.
Handicrafts using hard materials such as wire have become part of Indonesia’s cultural heritage. Indonesian artists often use wire as a
material to create unique and interesting works of art. Crafts using wire can involve weaving techniques, where wire is used as the basic
material to create various shapes and patterns. Apart from that, wire can also be used to make sculptures or decorations by combining
and forming the wire into the desired shape. A product in the form of a bird of paradise made with wire and displayed in a frame can be
considered as an example of a craft work using hard materials that depicts the beauty and creativity of Indonesian artists.




Jl. Terusan Piranha Atas —
No. 135, Kota Malang
Jawa Timur

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